2014年7月15日 星期二

Grep For Windows – Findstr Example


I love grep command on Linux, it helped to search and filter strings easily, always wonder what is the equivalent tool on Windows, and found this findstr recently.
In this article, I will share some of my favorite “grep” examples on Linux, and how to “port” it to Windows with “findstr” command.

1. Filter a result

1.1 Classic example to filter a listing result.
$ ls -ls | grep mkyong
c:\> dir | findstr mkyong
1.2 Add ignore case, and filter the listing result with multiple strings.
#Linux - Need '-E' option and Uses "|" to separate multiple search strings.
$ ls -ls | grep -iE "mkyong|music"
#Windows - Use spaces to separate multiple search strings
c:\> dir | findstr -i "mkyong music"
2. Search a File
2.1 Search matched string in a file.
$ grep mkyong test.txt
c:\> findstr mkyong test.txt
2.2 Counting the number of matches.
$ grep -c mkyong test.txt
#Windows - Piped with find /c command.
c:\> findstr -N "mkyong" test.txt | find /c ":"

3. Search a list of files

3.1 Search matched string in a list of files.
$ grep mkyong -lr /path/folder
c:\> findstr /M mkyong c:\folder\*
* (grep) -l , (findstr) /M = print only name of files containing matches.

4. Help

4.1 The most powerful command ~
$ grep --help 
$ man grep 
c:\> findstr -?
Do you have other examples? Does share it below, thanks.


  1. 15 Practical Grep Command Examples In Linux / UNIX
  2. Wikipedia : Findstr
  3. Grep for Windows Using FINDSTR


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