2012年6月22日 星期五

CentOS 5.8 Netinstall – Network Installation 安裝方法

CentOS 5.8 netinstall 安裝參考文章

1. 請先注意網路線是接在哪張網卡上!!
3. 安裝時,填上下載位置:
4. 之後設定參考網站:
架設 DNS Server CentOS 5.8 MyDNS 1.1.0 MyDNSConfig 3.0.1 正體中文-OC網友討論區-內文
1. Centos 5.5 NetInstall | Percy's Blog
2. 架設 DNS Server CentOS 5.8 MyDNS 1.1.0 MyDNSConfig 3.0.1 正體中文-OC網友討論區-內文 


If the purpose is to upgrade from an older version of CentOS to CentOS 5.8 then read following guide: Upgrade to CentOS 5.8 From 5.7 (5.6, 5.5, 5.4, 5.3, 5.2, 5.1, 5.0) guide
This is CentOS (The Community ENTerprise Operating System) 5.8 Linux Network installation (NetInstall) step-by-step walkthrough with screenshots.

Install CentOS 5.8 with NetInstall method

1. Download CentOS 5.8 Net Install (NetInstall) Image

Select mirror here:
i386 version
x86_64 version
Select ISO image

2. Burn Image to CD and Boot Computer Using CentOS 5.8 Installation CD

Check CentOS image MD5 sum and burn image to CD with your favourite CD burner. And boot computer using CentOS Installation CD.

3. Select Network Installation (NetInstall) on LiveCD Grub Menu or just press enter on CentOS Netinstall CD

Centos 5.8 Netinstall boot

4. Booting CentOS 5.8 Installer

5. Choose a Language

Choose a Language

6. Select keyboard type

Select keyboard type

7. Select Network Installation Method

Select Network Installation Method

8. Configure TCP/IP settings

Configure TCP/IP settings

9. Setup CentOS 5.8 Netinstall URL (Installation Web site name and CentOS directory)

Web site name:
CentOS directory for i386:
CentOS directory for x86_64:
CentOS 5 Netinstall url (http setup)

10. Downloading Installer

Downloading Installer

11. Welcome to CentOS Screen

CentOS 5.8 Welcome to CentOS

12. Select Partitioning Type

Select “Create custom layout” option if you want modify partitions.
CentOS 5.8 Select partitioning type
Here you can modify partition layout.
CentOS 5.8 Partition layout

13. Boot Loader Configuration

CentOS 5.8 Bootloader setup

14. Network configuration

CentOS 5.8 Network setup

15. Select Time Zone

CentOS 5.8 Timezone setup

16. Set Root Password

CentOS 5.8 Set root password

17. Select packages for Installation

CentOS 5.8 Select installation type

18. Installing Selected Packages

CentOS 5.8 Installing selected packages

19. Installation Completed, Reboot

CentOS 5.8 Installation complete

20. Booted on Just Installed CentOS 5.8 Linux Server Command Line

CentOS 5.8 Server Installation Finished


掛載 CentOS 8 Linux ISO 來當作本地倉庫,以安裝SNMP來示範。

由於舊版的Linux,可能因為原廠停止維護支援,已經無法線上yum or dnf安裝相關套件。 我們可以改用掛載 CentOS 8 ISO 來當作本地倉庫,就可以進行yum or dnf安裝。 但建議盡量優先安裝新版,比較沒有資安漏洞或程式老舊的問題。 第一部分: 掛載 Cen...